

HAri Pose PertaMA and PaSaR RaBu

At last, i have a chance to release my sewing tension.. after several days craving to sew my third project.. 

Ahahaha..and today is the state holiday...syiok la...Wednesday plak..  went to Pasar Rabu to buy some lauk to cook for today's 'berbuka"..and my first pwencess have a chance to show off her new made shirred top sun dress(so called)...ahahaha... Umi plak excited and nasib baik she wear the top coz the weather is so hot there... berpeluh ketiak ...

as we arrived home...she refused to get inside...ha... sumthing attracted her of course..and this made my blood go upstairs... penat la...jalan shopping la katakan..
 panggil x menyahut...

 patut la...walid give her the bubble maker... mana mau masuk...takpe la..capture her in action saja wif the top and my last box pleated skirt project

'ralit' wif her bubble maker

backside of the top... skirt nampak sket ja...ahahaha
cute tak top tu.....?? cute kan.....! bia aku je puji dri sendri..ahaaaaaaahhaa
asyik kakak je ye tak.. baby bell also want to interframe! muahzzz

so satisfy wif the project... syabashh untuk len kompem mengutuk hasil kerja aku...lantak pi la kan..asal hubby i kene paksa kata cantik sambil tunjuk thumbs up dalam mamai bangun tido sebab baru balik keje malam tadi...thnx bie....u r soooo supportive!!
btw..this top project was inspired by this tutorial...

5 comment:

MamaDaniel said...

alahai..sukanya sun dress polka dot tu.. jeles gak la sbb tak pandai jahit.. hehe..
Pasar rabu kat kedah ke nih? jauh rupanya...tapi mcm dekat je di blogland ;)

tomei said...

hi mama daniel.. thnx for dropping by..haah..Pasar Hari Rabu kekeke..kat Kedah...tu beshnye..nak jeles ape..saya lagi jeles tgk patchwork mamadaniel and also hasil kait mengait tu..uhuhu...

Anic said...

Hi Tomei... nice work... it is really not the same as the one bought from the market... these are made with love... :)

Syasya Creative said...

kak anemmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..wah wah..hebat!!~~~..clap clap....cayalahhh..nnti leh buat bag pulakk...ajie tingin gak nk buat utk syasya..kain da lama beli...dok teperap ja..blum ade time lorrrr...hiihi

tomei said...

anic: eheheh.. yup..yup..the satisfaction is there ..
syasya: tamau buat beg arr..beg dah ada org tolong buatkan...ngeh..ngeh..ngeh

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