Really.. i dun remember that blogging is way toooo tiring... ohohoh.. kaku kaki kuku nak menaip.. why?..i tell you why..
- Cari template (sebab tak reti buat template)..
- Buat posting (dah lama tak mengarang)..
- edit gambo(dah lama tak edit gambo)..
- Amik gambo (lama tak pegang camera)
- Main kejar-kejar (my babies really need attention..)
- Sakit belakang (duduk lama sangat dok edit blog)
Ala ..ko yang dah karat lagi mau salahkan orang... muahahaha
but hopefully this will be permanently be mine and of course updated
(really need a moral support here darlin'.. and yes i mean u dear hubby..ahahaha )
dah..dah ..what have i done these day.. Actually I've been infected by some virus lately..and these virus have make me spending more money online and offline..and of course I'm now above the line...
(got nue nickname too..The Online Diva..given by my colleague after spending to much time shopping online..ahahah)
Soo..tadaaaa... my first box pleated skirt for my dear baby boo..cute hoo...
(bio aku puji dri sendrik ahahaha)
Credits to Maya.. inspired me to this project..

model is crying for help ..umi paksa jadik model still in the sewing mood!!
In my second project gear now..stay tune ..hoooyeahh!
In my second project gear now..stay tune ..hoooyeahh!

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