Lama sungguh tak report no..
Almaklum tugas hakiki banyak menuntut penggunaan masa
Tugas hakiki sebagai seorang ibu and seorang pendidik..
InsyaAllah... after this, this blog will be a platform for me to share everything that I've create.. things that I've altered to be used by all teachers, parents and people to educate their love one..
Mungkin tak seberapa.. sebab saya pun masih nak menimba ilmu..
So you all are invited to download and ask whatever you want to me..and also give ideas and shareyour ideas as long as kamu-kamu di luar itu menjaga penggunaan bahasa...
So doakan saya istiqomah dalam berdakwah dengan cara ini..
Stay tune for piece of mind... that is downloadable.. eheh
P/S: you are most welcome to use..and to link to this blog .. as long as you make it for a good will..

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